Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Campus Life

As the events co-ordinater I felt that we need to have some fun as the Eden DIVAS. We had a pijama party at my room and it was also for conflict resolution amongst the girls.Front row from left : My Little cousin Prudence " vovo" from the Bomb Skawt crue,Noxolo Pam ,Zenthia

Last row from left Ntomboxolo also from Bomb Skwat , Portia , Mandisa, Janine "Pinkies" , Pheliswa "Minkie" , Siphokazi also my cousin.
The night started a bit tens but as it went on it was getting hot in that small little room the way the DIVAS were enjoying themselves.

This is Alexis Jansen my neighbour,class mate,partner in many crime scenes and a Friend.Here she was pouring her heart out and ended up crying in her hot pents but after words she had a great laugh. Lexy is one of the best people on Campus she is my main girl we cry together at shout allot at each other she always wants to teach me specially about love.

Here are my room mates from left with the pink pj it's Mandi and she is like a sister to me she mostly tells me that Petsi that's wrong you should not have done that dude. She is very hardworking and we met last year at first it was very difficult for her to communicate with me but as we started knowing each other better we chatted till midnight.
The Diva with the silk nighty is Gcotyelwa and that's my mom at campus she teaches me allot about attitude in her way a very good one. she is a really humbled lady she is very quite but she's got her boundaries you wont mess with her she does not tolerate nonses as I said she's my mom on campus and I'm the naughty girl in the room.

In the blue pj's is my little sis in the room Porcia she is so amazing I like to teas her allot I love her more when she gives me attitude or when she gets angry at me. Porcia get easily along with people at first she use to tolerate any nonses from any one but now she changed allot she does not let any one fool with her she is a very strong lady.

With the big smile is my neighbour Delli "Borsie" she counsils me when I got problems and she is my 2nd partner in crime.When we together I must admit we are worse than naughty, she is one of those people I miss allot when it's holidays.

At last I'm in that's me with the blue pj's and a big smile. Resolving our ladies problems maid me Happy and I enjoyed myself when I saw that the ladies are all happy. Making people happy is what I live for.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

EdenCampus Openning day

As I'm busy studying here at Eden Campus we also have external projects that we involved in.

I'm the Co-ordinator of the Events Business and this year we already had two events . The first event that we made this year was a opening day that we used to recruit some students and to have some fun with the Community as we believe that it takes a village to raise child so it also takes a child to raise a village so in everything that we do we include them. As we want them to raise Karatara. Our Event went very well because we made some profit and profit is very important for us as our Education pays for it self. With a loss in our business we might end up with no business but it will also be a learning curve.
We also at the sometime reached our 2nd goal which was to recruit students. It was something with value to us as Marketing and Business students because we where marketing the Campus and doind business in the other hand and we got it both write.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008